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 QLD Over 50s State Snooker Championship

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Admin Posted - 19/04/2024
Entries close Monday 13th May at 6pm.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Admin Posted - 13/05/2024
Admin can be any one of the executive board members all of whom are moderators for this forum.

However most public notices for QLD are posted by our QLD Delegate and IT manager, William Kent.
justagame Posted - 25/04/2024
Who is admin?
Admin Posted - 25/04/2024
Would it not be a good idea to change the dates for the Over 50s?

Not this time around.

We waited until all events were slotted this year before we picked our dates. Their State Titles have been on the calendar for 3 months and ours were posted about 2 months ago. Everyone can see all major events in every state on the calendar that we provide on our home page. That calendar is well known Australia wide because it is the only place where one can see all events. There is no excuse for the clash.

If the QBSA wishes to be seen showing such a lack of consideration for their senior members and others devoted to promoting snooker as a sport, so be it.
Bushman Posted - 25/04/2024
Ah, but what about the referees? I see a few of the senior members referee in QBSA events. Would it not be a good idea to change the dates for the Over 50s?
Admin Posted - 25/04/2024
Unfortunately the QBSA has moved their State Titles event to clash with the Over 50s to be played 17-19th May.

However, being played over 2 weekends, that might only affect those who expect to get through to the semis, because any players not winning through on the first weekend will still have time to enter in our Over 50s by the deadline of 6pm on Monday 13th.

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