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T O P I C    R E V I E W
justagame Posted - 20/05/2024
Why doesn't ASSA use the free Challonge drawsheet service like everyone else?

I noticed that the results for the most recent event looks incomplete. Is that due to error or because it hasn't yet been updated?

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
WilliamK Posted - 20/05/2024
Originally posted by justagame - Why doesn't ASSA use the free Challonge drawsheet service like everyone else?

ASSA maintains its own drawsheet system so that results will always be available as a historical record and easy to find.

By using a third party service, finding results at a later date will be difficult, and any dependency on third party services that may or may not always be available cannot be a good plan.

As for the results for our most recent event, our system uses different templates depending on the number of entries. Originally designed for 64 and 32 players there is a bug in the 8 player draw that will be fixed soon.

For our last event we used a 16 player draw and did find a bug in that one also. The upside is that when this one is fixed we will know that all templates are 100%.

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