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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Braveheart Posted - 19/12/2022
Which is better for live streaming, Facebook or YouTube?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Badger Posted - 22/12/2022
Originally posted by BinJamA - By using Facebook anyone can live stream from a mobile phone at any time, providing that you have a plan that allows for adequate data usage.

A few of us have tried using our mobile phones, both Android and iPhone, but have only been successful when using the wifi available in the billiard room, and then not always because it depends on their connection. Sometimes the movement can be seen to be erratic... stalling and then jumping as it catches up.
Admin Posted - 20/12/2022
Yes Facebook is easy to use and all you need is to be logged into your Facebook page. However your audience may be limited to your friends/group members only.

YouTube, on the other hand, is suitable for a public audience. But you need approval to "stream" from your YouTube account. Then you can email or post the video link to a web page or Facebook page.
BinJamA Posted - 20/12/2022
Facebook is easy. From your Facebook page, just make a comment by selecting LIVE VIDEO and select GO LIVE. You can do this from a computer or mobile phone. Select WEBCAM and start streaming or select SOFTWARE to setup your encoding software (requires a key that is provided in the FB stream settings).

By using Facebook anyone can live stream from a mobile phone at any time, providing that you have a plan that allows for adequate data usage.

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