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T O P I C    R E V I E W
WilliamK Posted - 14/08/2023
A question often asked is "do Senior events carry points for state rankings?".

The answer is YES and NO depending on which church you belong.

For example the QBSA might award points earned in children's events to open state rankings, which is a ridiculous because juniors, who are now entitled to enter open events, have more opportunity to win points because they get to play in more events.

Likewise, points won in seniors events should not be counted in open state rankings because then seniors would be able to enter more events and just their participation points alone could rank them higher than much better players.

Consequently, senior events do carry ranking points, but correctly so... different rankings for Over 50s, Over 60s and Over 70s.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
WilliamK Posted - 20/05/2024
A point to note is that while we do maintain separate points ranking for Over 50s, Over 60s and Over 70s, rankings are not always used for seeding ASSA drawsheets. For example, because last year's Over 50s winner and runner-up did not enter this year, we chose to use a random draw by lot.

As to how ranking points are assigned, the ASSA formula is quite simple:

  • 5 points for entering the event.
  • Plus 1 point for each frame won.
  • Plus 50% holdover from the previous year.

While one might see some quirks using this formula in that winning an event that has more entries will earn more points, we don't see a problem with that because the winners will have worked harder to get there.

Should match winners earn bonus points? We think not because the outcome of a match could be a respotted black in the deciding frame, and lets face it, that is a fine line where luck can play a big part.

Senior events don't have a long history, in fact they started only last year. In time we may not see the top players appearing at the top of their lists. Instead we might see those players who have played in more events and that is what we are all really about... supporting senior snooker.
justagame Posted - 20/05/2024
I noticed a shift in rankings. How does ASSA calculate ranking points for SENIORS?

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