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65 Posts

Posted - 17/01/2023  Reply with Quote
Tournament Directors are required to record and post the results of each match so that we can maintain record sets and ranking for seeding etc. For that purpose we provide an online draw sheet maker which can be updated with scores as the event progresses.

Player List

All players need to be registered in our system to be selected by the drawsheet maker. Then depending on the type of event, players can be listed by age and gender for selection and seeding.

Draw Sheet Maker

The maximum number of entrants expected for Senior State Title is 32, so entries are limited to 32 players. After selection of players the sort order can be rearranged manually from 1 to 32 for player rank. Once that sort order is complete the drawsheet can be created, automatically seeding the draw as per your nominated ranking.

Player Ranking

Players may be ranked manually for each state to begin with, but after some matches are played, the players accrue points for frames won which can be used for seeding the next tournament.

Players win 1 point for each frame won, including round robin matches, plus 5 points for each event played. So the player with the highest point score will be ranked as #1 and so on. Ranking points apply separately per category, ie: Over50, Over60, Over 70 and 50% of previous year's points are carried forward.

Match Scores

Each match can be scored from the links on the drawsheet. Note that the public drawsheet cannot be used for scoring. To score, the Tournament Director needs to be logged in to access the Championships link from the top menu items. On the drawsheet, click the link for the appropriate Round and input/update as needed.

Only the highest break should be recorded for each player (only one break per player) regardless of whether it is 16 or 116.


44 Posts

Posted - 19/02/2023  Reply with Quote
The drawsheet and result system that we use has been created inhouse. There are third party online services like CueStats and Challonge that could have been used, but ours is better because:
  • Being designed for our specific purpose, no compromise has to be made.
  • The service is free and won't be affected by policy changes.
  • As a permanent archive we control its fate and what it looks like.
  • It uses seeding formulas and ranking calcs suitable for snooker.
  • Ranking points are automatically calculated every time a score is added/updated.
  • It is displayed on our web pages and thus becomes a searchable resource.

This video shows How to create a Draw Sheet for ASSA tournament directors -

Towards the end of the video, the making of a draw sheet from scratch was recorded... it only took 9 minutes from start to completion, including playing times and a score for the first match.
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