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Posted - 04/03/2025 Please be advised that the Australian Senior Snooker Association Inc is scheduled for noon on Sunday 23rd March at 51 North Deep Creek Road, North Deep Creek. A video link will be available for remote participation.
All positions will be vacated at the AGM. The nominations received to date:
- President: Peter Hanley - Secretary: Joy Flemming - Treasurer: Bill Horner - QLD Delegate: William Kent - Other state delegates*
State Delegates*
State Delegates are sought for each state in Australia. The role of a State Delegate is to promote and organise SENIOR snooker events, and manage the event as Tournament Director. While ASSA caters for Over 50s, Over 60s and Over 70s Championships, the minimum requirement for a State Delegate is to run at least an Over 60s Championship for their state.
Senior Snooker Events are sanctioned by the Australian Senior Snooker Association (ASSA) which is independent of all other snooker bodies in Australia. ASSA is the Australian representative for the World Senior Snooker Organisation. ASSA State Delegates can use the ASSA umbrella (brand and public risk insurance) for open senior snooker championships hosted anywhere in Australia.
ASSA Constitution and By-laws can be viewed online at:
- https://assa.asn.au/download/Constitution.pdf - https://assa.asn.au/download/By-Laws-2023-01.pdf
Closing date
Nominations for the board and State Delegates will close Tuesday 18th March.
Nominations from people known to the current board can be proposed and seconded by the current President and Treasurer.
- https://assa.asn.au/download/ASSA_Board_Nomination.pdf