Tournament Calendar

This event calendar shows all events including senior events and other major tournaments Australia wide.


Player Registration

Register your interest to be notified of tournaments in your state. Associate membership is free.


Discussion Forum

Player discussion forum covering a variety of topics related to snooker and state championships.


Latest News

2025 Queensland Over 60s Snooker Championship - 5th April

Entries close 31st March.

2025 Queensland Over 50s Snooker Championship

The 2025 Queensland Over 50s Snooker Champion is Graham Clarkson from Redcliffe, defeating Peter Kitchener from Westside 4:2. Graham also made the tournament high break of 55. The final can be watched on YouTube.

The Australian Senior Snooker Association thanks the Kedron Wavell Snooker Club and the Brisbane City Council for making our events possible this year. A special thanks to Adrian Hands for refereeing the event from start to finish. Our next event is the Queensland Over 60s to be played 5th April.

Establish Senior State Championships In Your State

The ASSA aims to promote and organise state championships for seniors in all states. It costs nothing to join and the ASSA infrastructure includes everything needed for snooker event management including insurance. All that is needed is a tournament director and a venue. For more information please use our contact form.

Next Events

 2025 Queensland Over 60s Snooker Championship  Saturday April 5  entry form 
 2025 Queensland Over 70s Snooker Championship  Saturday June 14  entry form 

Latest Results

 2025 Queensland Over 50s Snooker Championship  view 
 2024 Queensland Over 70s Snooker Championship  view 
 2024 Queensland Over 60s Snooker Championship  view 
 2024 Queensland Over 50s Snooker Championship  view 
 2023 Queensland Over 70s Snooker Championship  view 
 2023 Queensland Over 50s Snooker Championship  view 
 2023 Queensland Over 60s Snooker Championship  view 


Associate membership and player registration is FREE.

The only requirement is that you be 50 years old or more.

World Senior Snooker Organisation   World Senior Snooker Organisation
The Australian Senior Snooker Association Inc. (ASSA) is the Australian representative for the World Senior Snooker Organisation.